Further details on the implementation timetable have also been
Developers, nature-based project suppliers and local planning authorities have been preparing for BNG and many are already meeting the commitment to 10% BNG voluntarily.
The Bristol Avon Catchment Market provides a straightforward way for organisations to buy verified Biodiversity Gain Units from local nature recovery projects to meet mandatory BNG requirements, and other voluntary commitments.
On the buyer side, we are working with organisations already leading the way in setting and meeting their environmental goals, investors committed to supporting nature’s recovery and developers planning ahead for the introduction of Biodiversity Net Gain.
We are also continuing to work with Project Suppliers to ensure there is a pipeline of accredited nature-based projects ahead of the second Market Round that will open for bids and offers early next year.
If you are looking for a Biodiversity Gain solution to meet mandatory BNG requirements, or to meet a voluntary commitment, please submit an Expression of Interest
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