Grassland Creation or Enhancement

Coombe Bissett Down

This Nature-based Project option will revert or enhance whole or part fields to species-rich or low-input grassland.  Grassland creation is available not only on existing grassland but also arable.  Reversion to ‘low-input’ grassland can include the creation of new or wider buffer strips, including tussocky grass species. This option should be used for fields or areas of fields that regularly flood / get waterlogged or that experience surface runoff and soil erosion.


The two main types of grassland reversion projects eligible for funding within this option are:  

  • Creation or enhancement to low-input grassland (including creation of new or wider in-field cross-slope grass strips or edge-of-field buffer strips with a width of 6 metres or more). 
  • Creation or enhancement to species-rich grassland (larger areas or whole field reversion).   

Scrub Creation

Conigre Mead

This Nature-based project will revert whole or part fields to create new scrub habitat, in blocks or alongside water courses (riparian mosaic). It may also be used as an edge-of or in-field buffer strip or transitional habitat between field and woodland/hedgerow habitats. This latter option should be used for fields or areas of fields that regularly flood, are prone to waterlogging or which experience or intercept surface runoff and soil erosion.

Scrub includes all growth stages of native shrubs, from scattered bushes to closed canopy vegetation. Good scrub has a diverse structure with different heights, though it’s usually less than 5 metres tall. When patches of scrub grow within habitats like grassland, it’s described as a mosaic.

Wetland Creation

Penn Wood, Ellie Dodson

This Nature-based Project option will: create Integrated Constructed Wetland that deliver the water treatment properties of natural wetlands; or deliver natural wetland habitat to support biodiversity.

The two types of wetland project eligible in this Market are:

  • creation of Integrated Constructed Wetland
  • creation of natural wetland habitat

Woodland Creation or Enhancement

High Penn Tree Planting, Owain Shaw

This Nature-based Project option will revert whole or part fields to create or enhance new broadleaf woodland in blocks (catchment woodland) or alongside water courses (riparian woodland). It may also be used as an edge-of-field or in-field cross-slope wooded buffer strip. This latter option should be used for fields or areas of fields that regularly flood, are prone to waterlogging or which experience or intercept surface runoff and soil erosion.

The three main types of woodland eligible within this market are:

  1. Wider catchment woodland
  2. Riparian woodland 
  3. Cross-slope woodland

Hedgerow Creation

This Nature-based Project option will look to create new lengths of species-rich, native hedgerow.  It may be used as an edge-of-field or in-field boundary, or as a cross-slope interceptor.

This option can include:

  • species-rich native hedgerow
  • species-rich native hedgerow with trees
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